Business Planning 2019

Is your small business ready for 2019?

With their eyes on the future we are sure all those self employed (in bigger businesses or smaller) are thinking about ways and means and tactics to make the coming year ( 2018-2019) more profitable than ever .

We have a few suggestions for you which we are sure will help you achieve all that you want from your enterprise.

The various steps would be :-

Organize your business bookkeeping

It’s a well established fact that order and discipline in all fields of life are the first step to success and when it comes to one’s own commercial enterprise everyone wants to turn all stones available or rather not leave any stone unturned.

Efficient bookeeping therefore is the first and most important step to be taken and this requires using good accounting software. We at Squirrel Street ensure just that and much more.

We see to it that all your important documents are neatly stacked in one place, sparing you the last minute trouble and strain of running about; searching and trying to get everything sorted so that you can file your taxes or prepare your BAS (business activity statement).

Review your systems and procedures

Times are changing like never before and so are businesses’ the pace is very fast and time is very short. Businesses need newer methods and formulae to survive in the competitive world because that which worked yesterday is passé today. Newer and modern systems and procedures have to be evaluated and incorporated, at the same time one cannot overlook the cost and time involved in all this refurbishing. One is required to reorganize the payroll, shake up ones invoicing and hiring needs and if all this eats up your precious time which you should be dedicating to your hardcore business marketing then you are in for a disaster. It’s time to sit up and look around with an eagle’s eye and pounce on the best options available.

The best is always provided by the professional or the expert so hire one and let him/her advice you on what not to do and what to do with your systems and procedures so that your business flourishes.

Review your marketing strategy.

First step and a very important one when one wants to review one’s marketing strategy is comparing one’s records , the whys and the wherefores of the profits made by you in your previous years. This will help you evaluate your business turnover, the profits and losses and the right ratio and proportion.

Here again a professional will be of great help he/she will pinpoint the defects or even the plus points. It will be easy if one can get a professional to review the marketing strategy being followed till the present and changes suggested to make it more effective especially with regard to social media and the referral system

MaxMargin Accountants, that is we, and our experts come in here with our ever willing attitude to assist you in making all possible efforts which will help your business grow and flourish.

Our Expert Accountants, MaxMargin Accountants helps its clients with everything which comes under the realm of growth for small businesses. We provide you with expertise in budgeting, loan applications, staff evaluation and selection and spotting of key individuals who can be relied upon. Get in touch with our team today we work with the sole objective of opening the gates of success for our clients.

Believe in us and you could be the next feather in our cap decorated with umpteen number of successful entrepreneurs Your name can be the first in our list for the coming New Year 2019


For more information, Contact Professional Tax Accountnats team, Call 1300 886 518, Email:

Last Updated on November 10, 2018

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